Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Credit Experts! PLEASE HELP!?

Credit Experts! PLEASE HELP!?

Hi , I'm Alex and wanted to ask everyone a very important question. About a month ago I called Bank of America and applied for a personal loan, and they told me right that second I wasn't approved. Today, I got a letter from Bank of America explaining my declined application for a loan. There is a sentence that doesn't make any sense to me can you please tell me what it means?"Bank of America"After careful review, we were unable to approve your request because your credit references have not been established for a sufficient length of time and "there are too many inquiries on your credit file. What in the hell does that mean.I only have 3 credit cards, Capital One, and 2 others. As far as I know I have NEVER missed a payment or sent it in late, so why is there problems with my credit at all? Please any advice is welcome, I want to keep my score in good standing. Thanks for your time and any help is greatly appreciated.ThanksAlex
Also, if there is something wrong in my credit records how do I correct it. Again, I've never missed a payment and never sent it in late, so why is this happening?
2 months agoOh-Oh well the first place I applied at was Banner Bank, and I bank with them they also denied my application. Then I tried BofA, I've only had my capital one credit card for about 7 months, cell phone for a year, other bills doesn't that give me any credibility?

The Answer : "credit references have not been established for a sufficient length of time"That means you have not had your existing credit cards long enough to establish a payment history. Creditors would prefer to see each credit reference at least a couple years old. The longer the better."there are too many inquiries on your credit file.". That means you have attempted to get credit from a lot of sources, and that scares a potential creditor from giving you credit. In each of these instances your credit score is taking a hit.To examine exactly what is in your credit report, you can get a free copy from http://www.annualcreditreport.com...

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