Thursday, September 20, 2007

How long does it take for charged off accounts and credit card debts to be taken off of a credit report? in?

How long does it take for charged off accounts and credit card debts to be taken off of a credit report? in?

WASHINGTON STATE.i really need to to finish school , but in order to do that i need to take out a private loan, because federal loans aren't enough, but my bad credit doesn't allow it...please help!

The Answer : Once again, everybody gets this answer wrong (except for Spiff, of course).Just one of the problems here with Yahoo.....people can't take two minutes to research their answers. What really makes it sad....I've only posted this answer dozens of times. Go on...take a look at my answers! Amazing, isn't it? OK, once again...everybody open your books to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (see below). The reporting time for negative information on your credit report is 7 years, starting from the date of the delinquency.It makes no difference if it's paid off. If it's on longer then that, it's because the collection agency illegally re-aged the debt by reporting a fake delinquency date. The delinquency date is defined as the day you owed the payment, but didn't pay. Example, if you owed a debt on Jan 1, 2000 and missed that payment, THAT is the starting date. On Jan 1, 2007 the item must be deleted from your report.

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