Is There A Site Where You Can Apply for A CreditCard & Get it No Matter How Bad Your Credit is ?!!!
The Answer : I agree with Harbinger about getting a secured credit card. They're the easiest to get, mainly because you have to put up a deposit that's used as collateral to establish a credit line.
For example, you deposit $300, you get a $300 limit. One good thing is that the deposit is linked to either a CD or savings account, so it gains interest while you're building credit. You can also look at this as another way to save up money for yourself.
Since you can add to the deposit at any time,that means you can increase your limit as well, especially since high limit/low balance cards help your score. A good practice to use these cards is to make a small purchase ($20/month) that can be easily paid off on time every month to show activity, but at the same time keep the balance either at 0 or pretty close to it to make it easy to manage.
Also, it's good to increase the limit as high and as often as possible so that the high limit gives you a cushion of availalble credit vs. the total debt you owe, which counts 30% of your score. Usually after paying on time and managing the balance, the card either converts to a regular card, or a better card's offered, and more importantly the deposit's no longer needed and is given back, usually with interest. You could custom build a secured card into a high lmit credit card while building credit and creating a savings at the same time.
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