Thursday, November 8, 2007

100 Percent Stated Income Loans - Yes They are Still Available, But Hurry!

100 Percent Stated Income Loans - Yes They are Still Available, But Hurry!
A stated income loan, is simply a mortgage loan wherein the borrower “states” their income, versus documenting their income, or “full doc”.

With the recent credit crunch, many lenders are tightening their guidelines for all stated income loans. I get calls everyday from Borrowers who can no longer find a 100% stated income loan. Ironically enough, I also find myself funding 100% stated income loans for other loan officers as well!
A stated-income loan qualifies a borrower by using the income the borrower states, as opposed to the income the borrower can document. With a stated-income loan, the lender agrees not to verify the income the borrower states on the application.
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Naturally a stated income loan is priced higher than fully documented loans, and the foreclosure rate is also higher. With overall foreclosure rates reaching uncomfortably high levels, stated-income loans have emerged as a possible weak point in the underwriting process. Regulators and legislators have been considering whether they should bar or limit stated income loans.
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If you are looking for a 100% stated income loan, my suggestion is to hurry and get pre-approved. I hear wind of changes from my inside sources, and the changes could come as the end of September.
I am currently funding 100% stated income loans with an interest rate of 8.5%. This is one loan, with Mortgage Insurance. Of course, this rate may change, but it is a great rate considering the state of the market.
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Although lenders don't verify income on stated-income loans, they do verify assets and employment. On a "no ratio" loan, income is not reported at all; on a "stated income, stated assets" loan, both income and assets are stated; on a "no income, no assets" loan, neither income nor assets are reported; and on a "no doc" loan, nothing is reported, including employment.
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These alternative-documentation loans are priced even higher than stated-income loans and have higher foreclosure rates, but they have not attracted the same attention. No doubt, the reason is that stated-income loans are the most common type of alternative-documentation mortgage and may account for as many loans as all the others put together.

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