Credit : A Lit Of Credit Cards That Dont Make A Hard Inquiry When TheyReview Your Application ?!!!
Can someone find me a list of credit cards that don't make a hard inquiry when they review your application? Maybe one that would just check my w-2 and current pay stub and even take a copy of my credit report? Thanks for your time.
The Answer : Most credit cards are going to do a check. There are all kinds of offers that come in the mail and are posted on the internet. There are quite a few banks/companies that will give you a card with a limited or secured amount to use.
However, most of these cards ask for a annual fee, plus the interest rate is high, and there may be a monthly maintenance fee as well. They are all over the place it shouldn't be to hard to find. But, remember that any app you put in will hit your credit score and lower the number for each hit.
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