Free Credit Report ! If you were a minor (15-17) and lied to obtain credit, can you dispute it and get it removed from your report?
Ok...I must admit. I was young and dumb. I received a credit card when I was 15 very easily over the phone by lying about my age. They even called me! Og course, knowing nothing about credit I did what a 15,16 year old would do - shop. Now at 22 me and my lying has hurt my credit score. It didn't matter to me then but now I have graduate and trying to establish myself. Credit is essential in this process! I was going to dispute this stating that at the time of the contractual agreement I was a minor and it was the cc company's responsibility to verify that my SSN and birth date matched. I read this in a credit forum. Is this true and does it work? Have anyone ever done this? I will never do this sh*t again. I feel depressed and embarrased about my score when I try to obtain credit or a loan now. I need some serious advice. Thanks.
First thing first - I had no means of paying for the debt while in school. I have tried to reconcile this but they do not want to work with me. A $800 bill had turned into a $6000 bill and I am not able to pay that. If I wanted to act like a 13 yr old I would just forget about it and let it get removed in 7 yrs (which is in one year). I am just researching my options before I committ to anything. That doesn't sound 13 to me. Thanks for your response by the way.
The Answer : Lets start by ignoring the previous answers....another great collection of people who don't have a clue.The key is when you stopped using this card. If you used it after you turned 18, then you are going to be stuck with the debt, and stuck with the credit report. Sorry, I've seen this same thing before.If you quit using it prior to 18, you can dispute this. You will have a bit more trouble getting it done but you can do it. Start be getting the debt validated in order to get records of the contract and bills, and when the debt was charged off. Present this, along with proof of your age, and that will clear it up.But like I said, the key is if you used the card as an adult. If so you will not be able to get around it.
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